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3 Tips For Calmer, Stress-Free Mornings

3 Tips For Calmer, Stress-Free Mornings

Due to life’s stressors, people are often caught rushing through every aspect of their day. This throws them into a state of survival and leaves no chance to reflect on their feelings, ground, and plan for the future. This constant day-to-day rush prevents many people from stopping and taking in their life throughout the day, and arguably this happens the most in the morning. Punctuality is an important part of school, jobs, internships, and more so rushed morning routines are normalized in order to achieve it. In the media, rushed mornings are portrayed as amusing and funny, but the negative repercussions are shown lightheartedly when in reality a person’s mental health could take a toll from this constant morning rush. Building a slow, steady, and punctual morning routine with good habits built into it is possible, and would in fact be beneficial towards a person’s mental health. This article discusses 3 tips to do so.

Wake Up a Little Earlier Than Usual

Waking up just fifteen minutes earlier than the normal time a person wakes up can allow them to have a slower morning than usual without sacrificing as much sleep. Fifteen minutes is actually a long time and could be the difference between being late because you lost your favorite lip balm or being on time because you had a few extra minutes to find it.

Lay Clothes Out Night Before

The night before work or school, pick out an outfit that you would like or at least have a general feel for the outfit you are going to be wearing the next morning. If it is done the night before, you won’t have to stress about trying on outfits in the morning, realizing you don’t feel confident in them, and then getting out the door wearing them anyways because you’re low on time.

Check In With Yourself

Lastly, while brushing your teeth or washing your face check in with yourself regarding your current emotions, how they relate to your day, and utilize affirmations (Gillihan). For example if you are feeling anxious about a presentation you have to give thought or say affirmations relating to being calm and confident. This sets you up with a positive outlook regarding your situation and regulates your emotions as well, which will better your overall mental health.


Gillihan, Seth. “Psychologists’ Morning Tips for a Happier, Less-Stressed Day.” EverydayHealth.com, 3 Sept. 2023, www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/what-psychologists-do-in-the-morning-to-set -themselves-up-for-a-good-day/.

Written By: Carmela Gonzalez, Mental H2O Youth Resource Writer
