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A Comprehensive Guide to Recognizing Symptoms of Burnout

A Comprehensive Guide to Recognizing Symptoms of Burnout

The ever-evolving world we live in is currently paving the way for a budding concern across professions: burnout. With increased workloads, stress levels, and responsibilities, the threat of burnout is one that can be very detrimental to mental health and overall well-being.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a condition characterized by emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion due to overload or prolonged stress. Most of the time, it results from overload, emotional draining, and pressure resulting from other people’s demands. It leads to lower productivity, loss of energy, hopelessness, and cynicism. Burnout is often a direct result of stress overload, often brought upon through work, school, or other burdens (Mayo Clinic, 2023).

Causes of Burnout – (Mayo Clinic, 2023)
1. Work Overload

This feeling comes about when there is too much workload with inadequate rest. Unrealistic expectations and deadlines can enhance this feeling. Many employees in the workforce today often work much more than advised, leading to increased stress, decreased productivity, and lower energy levels.

2. Lack of Control

The feeling that your work is meaningless is one that plagues many across the entire workforce. Many employees feel that their projects and work does have a significant effect, and therefore, feel a lack of control. It creates a sense of uselessness, often leading to burnout.

3. Insufficient Rewards

Lack of recognition or reward for effort is another contributor to feelings of inadequacy and job dissatisfaction. The idea of being unfairly compensated for one’s work is a major factor that leads to burnout. It can also lead to other factors, such as work overload.

4. Poor Work-Life Balance

Constantly prioritizing work above personal life needs can lead to the overlooking of personal needs, consequently leading to burnout. This is a direct result of the factors previously discussed, and it leads to an unhealthy obsession with work, which often causes burnout to occur much faster and much more violently.

5. No Support

The lack of supportive relationships in one’s job or personal life leading to feelings of loneliness and being overwhelmed. Feeling alone often leads to hopelessness, which contributes significantly to burnout.

Symptoms of Burnout – (Mayo Clinic, 2023)

Emotional Symptoms

●  Feeling trapped or helpless

●  Loss of motivation

●  Mostly cynical or negative outlook

●  Diminished satisfaction and sense of accomplishment

Physical Symptoms

●  Chronic fatigue

●  Insomnia

●  Headaches or muscle pain

●  Changes in appetite or sleep habits

Behavioral Symptoms

●  Withdraw from responsibilities

●  Isolation from others

●  Procrastinating or taking longer to get things done

●  Using food, drugs, or alcohol to cope

Combating Burnout

1. Recognize the Signs

The very first thing to do in fighting against burnout is to recognize its symptoms. Being aware will enable you to take proactive actions to address the situation. Keeping an eye out for any potential warnings is crucial.

2. Seek Support

Discuss your feelings with colleagues or friends, or seek a mental health professional. Ensuring that your feelings and emotions are heard allows you to find comfort in sharing with your close ones. You may find relief and even solutions that you hadn’t considered in talking about what you are going through.

3. Set Boundaries

Establish clear work-life boundaries. Make sure to create time for rest, family, friends,and fun. Having a healthy work-life balance is key to managing burnout in the workplace.

4. Take Care of Yourself

Begin doing things that relax you, such as exercising, meditating, or pursuing some hobby. Balance can be restored in such a way by paying more attention to self-care.

5. Modify Your Workload

If at all possible, discuss less heavy work or flexible hours with your employer. This way, you will feel less stressed and be less likely to burn out. It allows you to work on your terms, which doesn’t create as much stress.

7. Re-Appraise Goals and Priorities

Take some time off to reflect on your career and personal goals. Ensure these are aligned with your values, and, if possible, adjust them to avoid overcommitting. Ambition can be an amazing thing, but if your work ambitions are the only priority in your life, then it may be time to reprioritize your goals to have a better balance.


Burnout is an extreme issue that affects every dimension of life. Knowing how to overcome burnout is critically connected with the understanding of causes and symptoms. From knowing the signs and symptoms of burnout, one will develop ways to combat them in a bid to regain balance and be on the path to improving one’s well-being.

Works Cited

● Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2023, November 30). Know the signs of Job Burnout. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/burnout/art-20046642 #:~:text=Job%20burnout%20is%20a%20type,isn’t%20a%20medical%20diagnosis.

Written By: Nimai Pradeep, Mental H2O Youth Resource Writer
