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Embracing Solitude: The Value in Your Alone Time

Embracing Solitude: The Value in Your Alone Time

Many people post about their event filled weekend with friends, partying, and more, and it makes people who see those posts feel as though they need to have just as many friends or people around them to be considered to have a good life. All of this is completely untrue. Sure, some people genuinely like being around others and want to post on social media to keep record of their memories, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to be the same. Being alone in your leisure time can be incredibly significant to re-discovering yourself, recharging, and being happy, and it’s so important that everyone incorporates it into their daily schedule, no matter how busy you may be or how little you may think you’ll enjoy it.

Alone vs. Lonely

Before getting into how to use alone time, it’s important to remember that being alone does not mean being lonely. This distinction should be completely clear.

Being alone means that you are physically by yourself with no one around you or with you. Many people actually may like the feeling, as it can be used as a force for good to be yourself and do what you like to do. Some people, on the other hand, despise being alone and would rather always be surrounded by others.

Being lonely on the other hand is a much more negative feeling and has more to do with your emotional well-being in a situation. You could be in the crowdest room and still be lonely. It has less to do with physically being by yourself and more so with not being understood or feeling emotionally connected to anyone. Being lonely is centered around the feeling that your social needs are not being met and the quality – rather than quantity – of your social interactions are poor.
To summarize, essentially, no one likes being lonely, but some people may like being alone.

Using Your Alone Time

Deciding to use your alone time for a force for good is a significant decision you can make in your life. Here are some do’s and don’ts for what you should be doing during this time:


Hobbies: Engaging in hobbies is a great way to spend alone time. It allows you to focus solely on something you enjoy, without distractions. If you haven’t found a hobby yet, consider exploring new ones. You might start with simple activities like drawing or try something more involved, like taking pottery classes. Although it might feel intimidating at first, remember that hobbies are valuable for self-discovery and understanding.

Wake Up Earlier: Many people claim they don’t have time for themselves due to busy schedules. Waking up earlier can help you carve out some alone time. If your schedule is tight, even a few extra minutes in the morning can be beneficial. Use this time to read, take a walk, or prepare for your day. With proper planning, you can transform your mornings into a more peaceful and productive time.

Get Out of the House: Modern life often keeps us indoors unless we have specific plans. Start making a habit of getting out on your own. Whether it’s dining alone, strolling through a park, or enjoying coffee at a café, spending time outside your home can be refreshing and enjoyable.

Journaling: Journaling is a simple yet powerful practice for mental health. You can use various techniques and focus on different aspects, such as daily tasks or emotional reflections. Keeping a journal helps you process your thoughts and feelings effectively.


Scroll Through Social Media: Social media can be detrimental to your well-being, especially if you’re scrolling through content that makes you feel inadequate or left out. While it’s okay to spend a short time on social media, avoid falling into the trap of endless scrolling that negatively impacts your mood.

Force Yourself: While alone time can be beneficial, it’s essential to listen to your needs. If you crave social interaction, it’s okay to spend time with friends, family, or attend events. Balance is key; don’t push yourself to engage in solitary activities if you’re not in the mood.


If you’re unsure about spending time alone, consider these scientifically-backed benefits: solitude can enhance empathy, productivity, and creativity. It provides space for your thoughts to wander and helps you reconnect with yourself. Additionally, solitude can improve sleep quality by reducing constant stimulation from others. These benefits highlight the value of incorporating alone time into your routine.

Written By: Nithya Rupavatharam, Mental H2O Youth Resource Writer

