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How to Structure Your Morning Routine: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health

How to Structure Your Morning Routine: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health

Sleeping late, getting too much screen time, falling asleep at late hours, and getting up late tend to lead to unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy mental health. However, not everyone is the same. So, finding a morning routine fit for your needs can be difficult sometimes. 


Many of us find ourselves distracted and overwhelmed by anxious thoughts and emotions. Life feels almost like a juggling act and you feel like you’re going to trip at any moment. Most of us want to thrive and succeed and overall, be happy. We want to wake up excited and create energy to do what we love to do. A well-structured morning routine is something that has a massive impact on turning our lives around; it is immediately actionable and always useful. Having this structured morning routine can end up having a positive impact on our physical and mental health, which is ultimately how we can stay happy. 


A morning routine sets the tone for the whole day, and if you do each day right, you’ll do life right,” (Larvey). New York Times bestselling author, media personality, ex-endurance athlete says that “Developing a morning routine allows you to assert your own authority over the day. You take charge of your own work-life balance by, in effect, paying yourself first. Too many of us do it the other way around and are left with no time and energy to invest by the time we get to ourselves. As a result, too many people end up feeling at the mercy of their work and family demands. Responsibilities overwhelm, and they end up continually stuck. When you lead with your own peace and well-being, however, much more is possible. Something essential changes when you begin directing your day rather than responding to it.”


A morning routine is an investment in your best self; starting and maintaining a positive morning routine is an investment of a lifetime. It gives you a structure and foundation, builds life-changing habits, and gives you the energy to progress through the rest of the day. 


This article will give you an example of a morning routine that tends to work well for most people, but it isn’t the only morning routine; everyone is in different stages of their lives, everyone has different personalities, and everyone has different needs. It is vital to understand that there is no one way of life, and everyone needs to do different things to stay healthy during their mornings. Thus, to create your own personalized morning routine, here are some tips I’ve come up with: 

  1. Figure out your personality type (sometimes, your Myers Briggs code can help find you personalized morning routines tailored to you)
  2. Write down things that make you feel fulfilled
  3. Create a draft morning routine and attempt to practice it for 2 weeks
  4. Change, add or remove things when they don’t feel right
  5. Keep tweaking this draft until you feel complete
  6. Protect your mornings; several times, we wake up and check our phone immediately. Try to wake up with no interruptions of emails or social media


Here is a detailed morning routine that has helped me stay happy and healthy. Some days, I wake up too late or have to go somewhere early in the morning, but I don’t let this deter me. When I come back, I make sure to return to the morning routine that has kept me healthy and keep my inner peace. 

  1. Wake Up Early: Rise at a consistent time each morning to establish a regular sleep-wake cycle.
  2. Hydration: Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to rehydrate your body after hours of sleep.
  3. Mindfulness Practice: Spend 5-10 minutes practicing mindfulness or meditation to set a calm and focused tone for the day.
  4. Stretching or Yoga: Engage in gentle stretching or a short yoga session to awaken your muscles and improve flexibility.
  5. Healthy Breakfast: Prepare and enjoy a nutritious breakfast that includes a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
  6. Personal Development: Spend 15-30 minutes reading a book, listening to a podcast, or engaging in learning activities that stimulate personal growth.
  7. Gratitude Practice: Write down three things you’re grateful for to cultivate a positive mindset and appreciation for life.
  8. Plan Your Day: Review your schedule and prioritize tasks to set clear intentions and reduce feelings of overwhelm.
  9. Personal Care: Complete your morning hygiene routine, including skincare, grooming, and any other self-care practices that make you feel good.
  10. Set Intentions: Reflect on your goals and aspirations, and set one intention for the day to guide your actions and mindset.

There were still times when I felt unmotivated. However, having a well-thought-out morning routine will help you take control of your life. Your unmotivated mindset will shift, and you will be happier than you ever have been. 


Written By: Siri Munnuluri, Mental H2O Youth Resource Writer
