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Prioritize Your Mental Health While Pursuing Your Dreams

Prioritize Your Mental Health While Pursuing Your Dreams

It’s your goal to work in a career where you can help many people, make a difference, and learn new things. But, after years of wanting to go into a particular field, you realize it was a lot more work than you signed up for. But you persevere and get that job, fighting for your position in each college and company. It’s an amazing accomplishment! But, you’re too burned out to enjoy it.

In every career and job, there are many tiring factors, and you’re under so much pressure that you can lose track of your mental health. It isn’t a priority anymore, whereas, in reality, this is the time when your mental health is the most important. We can get so caught up in achieving our goals that we forget to take care of ourselves. I’m here to remind you to take a minute to stop and think about how you’re feeling.

High-pressure careers like law, medicine, and many others cause stress and anxiety due to their intense demands. Although these career paths can be rewarding, they are incredibly taxing and cause significant mental health challenges. But there are steps that you can take to work on your mental health while excelling in your professional life.

First and foremost, set boundaries! I know this seems like an obvious task, but you’d be surprised how many people fail to meet this goal. Of course, there are times when you will have to work overtime, or there are some things that you can’t control, but setting boundaries and balancing your personal and work life will set you up for success in both fields. Designate specific time ranges for work and leisure and be sure to stick to them.

Second, learn to recognize burnout. This is a way for your body to tell you to slow down and take care of yourself. There are always a million different things going on at the workplace, and there isn’t going to be a time when you’re completely free, so make sure you take time for yourself and prioritize your self-care. There are many different ways you can practice self-care, such as doing yoga, working out, and meditating, but you’ve got to find the activities that work for you—activities that make you happy!

Next, build positive relationships with your colleagues. This is going to make being at work so much better. Having people who you can talk to, even just in passing, can make all the difference at a workplace. According to Mile High Psychiatry, getting to know your coworkers beyond the scope of work can also help relieve stress since it helps foster a sense of belonging and community.

Last but not least, set realistic goals for yourself, both in your professional work environment and in your personal life. Setting unattainable goals for yourself isn’t helping anybody; it’s only going to stress you out. You can work up to the higher goal but start with small tasks that will help you get to the bigger ones. Doing this will decrease the pressure you unconsciously put on yourself, and you’ll get the results you wanted at the end without feeling stressed throughout the process.

I am so proud of you for pursuing such careers and working hard to get where you are right now. But don’t forget to take care of yourself while working toward your goals. Yes, they are important, but so are you. There are many ways in which you can prioritize self-care while doing amazing at work too. I hope whatever you read in this article motivates you to continue looking after yourself in your current and future endeavors!

Written By: Poorvi Deshpande, Mental H2O Youth Resource Writer
