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The Relationship Between Mental Health and Physical Health

The Relationship Between Mental Health and Physical Health

The complex relationship between physical health and mental well-being has been overlooked recently. The spotlight for mental health is often on issues such as social media, depression, stress, etc. However, one’s physical health is just as important as mental well-being, if not more. Physical and mental health are a two-way street, influencing each other heavily. Understanding this is very important to cultivate a holistic approach to health, where mental and physical health depend on each other and work together to preserve one’s well-being.

The Two-Way Street

Physical health and mental well-being are complementary. Good physical conditions are met with higher-quality mental health. On the other hand, poor physical conditions go along with certain mental disorders. Understanding how the two affect each other and protecting both ensures that one can maintain good health.

How Physical Health Affects Mental Well-being

Firstly, we’ll determine how physical health can affect mental health. There are three main components of this section. Exercise, Diet, and Sleep, all of which are essential to maintaining good health.

1. Exercise and Mental Health

Regular physical activity is one of the best strategies to feel good. Physical activity actually stimulates endorphins, sometimes called “feel-good” hormones, which can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Some studies have even shown that

physical activity can be as effective as medication in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety for some individuals (Better Health Channel, 2015).

Exercise also encourages the burning of the stress hormones in the body, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It triggers the secretion of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that ideally regulates one’s mood. (Better Health Channel, 2015). Regular exercise enhances self-esteem and cognitive function in addition to improving mental health and body functions.

  1. Diet and Mental HealthThere is evidence, too, that the food we eat has a big part to play in our mental condition. Diets high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins offer the nutrients needed for brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety (Sutter Health).Diets that consist of large quantities of processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats are proven to hurt mental well-being. Such foods lead to inflammation and impair brain function; therefore, they cause mental disorders (Sutter Health). Nutrient deficiency, particularly of vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, is linked with mental disorders of mood.Essentially, the food you consume plays a vital role in mental health. They play a major role in preventing anxiety, depression, stress, etc.
  2. Sleep and Mental Health

Quality sleep is very important for both physical and mental health. For instance, sleep helps in preventing extreme mood swings, improving concentration, and boosting overall cognitive function. Lack of sleep results in chronic cases of mood swings, irritability, and increased chances of suffering from mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety (Columbia University Department of Psychiatry, 2022). Sleeping more allows one to function with more energy and enthusiasm, which helps boost mental health, whereas refraining from sleep often immediately creates an unsatisfactory mental space.

Sleep and mental health create a positive feedback loop that constantly deteriorates one’s quality of life. Lack of sleep leads to mental health issues, which often leads to even less sleep. Maintaining good sleep habits is essential to maintain good mental well-being.

How Mental Health Impacts Physical Well-being

Just as physical health impacts mental well being, mental health can also affect physical well-being. The main two components in this section are Stress and Mental Health Disorders.

1. Stress and Physical Health

Chronic stress can have a considerable impact on one’s state of physical health. It weakens the immune system, which makes the body more vulnerable to infections, diseases, etc. Stress will also increase the risk of cardiovascular problems such as hypertension and heart disease (American Psychological Association, 2022).

The body responds to all stressful experiences by secreting cortisol, whose levels for extended periods are now connected with higher weight gain around the middle part of the body. Long-lasting stress is also linked with muscle tension, headaches, and digestional issues (APA, 2022). All the mentioned concerns illustrate the connection of mental to physical good health.

2. Mental Health Disorders and Physical Health

Physical health issues can also be a result of mental disorders like depression and anxiety. Depression, for instance, can lead to the possibility of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. It can also lead to a change in appetite and lose or gain weight and have a poor overall physical health due to a change in sleep patterns.

Many people struggling with these disorders often also struggle with things like eating, sleeping, etc. This results in many detrimental impacts in the body’s ability to function properly.

How to Improve Mental and Physical Health

  1. Lifestyle ModificationsAdoption of healthy lifestyles can make very remarkable improvements in physical and mental conditions. Regular exercises, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management are widely regarded as fundamental aspects of a healthy life. Mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation can also keep the mind active.
  2. Regular Health Check-ups

Regular medical check-ups are vital in monitoring one’s physical health and detecting any potentially adverse conditions early. Such checkups should also incorporate mental health screening for a joint approach to health care.

3. Education and Awareness

Educating people on the association between physical and mental health, will render them all the more aggressive in handling their general health. Campaigns and projects that educate individuals can reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues and encourage people to seek help if needed.

In Conclusion…

The correlation between physical health and mental good health is undeniable. This two-way approach needs to be appreciated, recognized, understood, and practiced. Integration of physical and mental health with lifestyle modification and education will improve the overall well-being and quality of life. Every effort to make a more holistic society would, therefore, require a balance of these two aspects of human health as two sides of the same coin.

Written By: Nimai Pradeep, Mental H2O Youth Resource Writer

Works Cited

  • ●  Better Health Channel. (2015, September 18). Exercise and mental health. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/exercise-and-mental-health
  • ●  Eating Well for Mental Health. Sutter Health. (n.d.). https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/nutrition/eating-well-for-mental-health#:~:text=Conv ersely%2C%20an%20inadequate%20diet%20can,society’s%20reliance%20on%20proces sed%20foods
  • ●  How sleep deprivation impacts mental health. Columbia University Department of Psychiatry. (2022, March 16). https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/how-sleep-deprivation-affects-your-mental-he alth
  • ●  How stress affects your health. American Psychological Association. (2022, October 31). https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/health