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The Role of Humor in Mental Health: Laughing Your Way to Wellness

The Role of Humor in Mental Health: Laughing Your Way to Wellness

Don’t forget to laugh. One powerful yet often overlooked tool for boosting mental well-being is humor. From reducing stress to enhancing social connections, laughter offers a variety of benefits. This article will explore the role of humor in mental health, the science behind laughter, and practical ways to incorporate more humor into your daily life.

The Mental Health Benefits of Humor

Humor is a natural antidote to stress. When we laugh our body undergoes several changes. Our hearts, lungs, and muscles are stimulated, and the endorphins released in our brains increase. Endorphins are “feel good” chemicals that reduce our stress. When our bodies undergo stress, our nervous system gets activated and triggers physical reactions such as a quickening of your pulse, rapid breathing, muscle tension, dilated pupils, and/or trembling. Laughing helps by reversing the stress process. Laughing can also help relax muscles, increase circulation, and decrease heart rate. Regular laughter can have a long-term impact on mood, helping to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

In addition to the stress-relieving impact laughter can have, it also can play a significant role in social bonding. Sharing a laugh with others increases our relationship with others and offers a sense of belongingness and association. Humor also allows us to enhance our coping mechanisms by being able to look at things differently and be resilient in life. Through humor, you can see the challenges and even realize lightness and perspective, even in difficult moments.

Incorporating Humor into Daily Life

Bringing more humor into your daily life doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by finding humor in your everyday life. Observe your daily life and appreciate the absurdities that occur throughout the day. It could also be useful to capture those funny moments by journaling them to remind you of the lighter side of life.

Embrace the world of humor by consuming humourous content such as comedy shows, movies, and/or specials that make you laugh. Reading humorous books, comics, or blogs can also provide a regular dose of laughter. Social Media is also filled with humor. Humorous content can come in many forms, so explore different media that make you happy.

Laughter is contagious so surround yourself with funny people to incorporate more humor in your life. Socialize with friends who have a good sense of humor and enjoy sharing jokes and funny stories. The more you engage in lighthearted interactions, the more you’ll benefit from the positive effects of laughter.


Laughter is a powerful tool because it has the ability to transform our mindset and enhance our well-being. By practicing humor regularly, we can improve our mental health, build stronger relationships, and cultivate a positive outlook on life. Start incorporating humor into your daily routine today and experience the profound benefits of laughter. Embrace humor as a lifelong habit, and watch as it positively impacts every aspect of your journey. Maybe even try laughter yoga.


Scott, Elizabeth, PhD. “The Health Benefits of Laughter.” Verywell Mind, 8 May 2024, www.verywellmind.com/the-stress-management-and-health-benefits-of-laughter-314508 4.

“Stress Relief From Laughter? It’s No Joke.” Mayo Clinic, 22 Sept. 2023, www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-relief/art-20044 456.

WebMD Editorial Contributors. “How Does Humor Affect Mental Health?” WebMD, 5 Apr. 2023, www.webmd.com/mental-health/how-does-humor-affect-mental-health.

Written By: Amari Bell, Mental H2O Youth Resource Writer
