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*Trigger warning: Suicide and Self-harm* | Supporting Mental Health in the LGBTQ+ Community

*Trigger warning: Suicide and Self-harm* | Supporting Mental Health in the LGBTQ+ Community

This shouldn’t have to be a separate category. But here we are. Discrimination towards the LGBTQ+ community is completely invalid. But because of the things this specific community goes through it’s important to touch on mental health in the LGBTQ+ community and how we can support each other. 

Due to the discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, there are many unique mental health challenges that the community faces. These external challenges include being ill-treated in the workplace, school, or even their neighborhood/community. Along with that the youth are also affected in some cases due to bullying and harassment in schools which can lead to severe depression, anxiousness, and in extreme instances, suicidal thoughts or behaviors. 

There are also many internal challenges that an individual might be going through such as grappling with your identity and self-acceptance; this journey can be emotionally taxing. Fear of coming out to your family and friends and even society can lead to significant stress and anxiety as well. 

Strategies for Supporting Mental Health in the LGBTQIA+ Community: 

  • Supportive Networks and Care: Although I can’t speak for the entire community, it helps to talk with people who have gone through similar experiences. Communicating with supportive networks helps you realize that you aren’t alone. There are many people out there who understand what you’re going through and who would love to help you through these difficult times of understanding who you are. It is also crucial that healthcare providers understand and can cater to the needs of each individual by using inclusive language and fostering a welcoming environment! 


  • Education and Awareness: We can help reduce the stigma around LGBTQ+ by educating our peers on the issues that the people of the LGBTQ+ community face and schools and workplaces should also include LGBTQ+ topics in their diversity training and programs to foster understanding and acceptance. 

  • Crisis Prevention and Suicide Intervention: Due to the high suicide rates and attempts in the LGBTQ+ community, it is integral that we provide accessible crisis and helplines to make sure that individuals have someone to talk to if they find themselves in situations where they’re vulnerable to suicide or self-harm. Hotlines, text services, and online chat support can provide immediate help to those in need. 

  • Affirmative Therapy: This is a therapeutic approach that validates and supports the individuals of the LGBTQ+ community and has proven to help support mental health. For this, therapists should be understanding and knowledgeable about the issues of the LGBTQ+ community and give individuals a safe space to voice their thoughts, help them work through their issues, and walk them through understanding their experiences and identities. 



Understanding and addressing the needs of the LGBTQ+ community regarding mental health is incredibly important and more awareness should be spread about these issues so we can help individuals work through them. By promoting culturally competent care, affirmative therapy, and education and awareness we can better support the mental health of LGBTQ+ individuals. It’s important that everyone feels accepted and safe in their society allowing individuals to thrive emotionally and mentally. 

Written By: Poorvi Deshpande, Mental H2O Youth Resource Writer
